
Category: Rodents

How to Get Rid of Mice in Walls

Mice are known for making their way into your home, but did you know they can squeeze themselves into your wall space? Despite their tiny size, mice carry with them great dangers and need removing immediately, so how can you get rid of mice in your walls? Signs of Mice in your Walls Having mice … Continued

What does a dead rat smell like

Have you noticed a terrible smell in your home that you just can’t identify? Unfortunately, this scent may well be caused by a dead rat somewhere in your home!    But, fear not; you’re in the right place! Integrum are trained pest control experts who know this smell all too well. Fortunately, this means we … Continued

How to Get Rid of Rats?

Rats are a common pest in the UK, but do you know the dangers their presence brings? If you’ve noticed signs of rats in your home and are looking for advice on how to get rid of rats, then you’re in the right place. We’ve put together our top tips for removing a rat infestation … Continued

Do Rats Bite?

Rats do bite and it’s surprisingly dangerous for us when they do. Rats are mostly pretty scared of us humans and will scurry around in the shadows to avoid contact with us. They are also nocturnal animals, so we rarely cross paths. However, this doesn’t mean that rats won’t bite us if they feel it’s … Continued

Winter Pests in the UK & How to Deal with Them

Whilst summer is often the busiest time of year for pest infestations, pests don’t just disappear when the nights start drawing in.  Pests are relentless all year round. However, the types of pests you may have to deal with does change according to the seasons. For example, we’re all used to being bothered by wasps, … Continued

Diseases from Rats

Rats are known carriers of diseases. For example, throughout history, they are blamed for the most devastating outbreaks of the bubonic plague. In addition, they are thought to be responsible for more deaths than all wars in the past 1000 years combined.  It is estimated that for every 1 person in the UK, there are … Continued

Rats in Your Garden

Rats are known to cause many problems for property owners when they infiltrate homes, but what about your garden? Rats can cause problems both inside and outside, and often, it’s much harder to identify a rat problem in your garden than it is in your home. In this article, we share our tips for identifying … Continued

Do Squirrels Hibernate?

We’re all familiar with the sight of a grey squirrel storing food away in their nests, and this must mean that they hibernate, right? Well, no. Not quite.  Despite common assumptions, squirrels do not hibernate. At least not in the traditional sense. Squirrels become less active during the winter months, but what are the furry creatures … Continued

Are Squirrels Rodents?

When you think of a squirrel, you may think of a cute, bushy-tailed animal storing nuts away in the trees. In comparison, the term ‘rodent’ brings to mind dirty, invasive pests such as mice and rats. What is a rodent? The term ‘rodent’ stems from the Latin word ‘rodere’, meaning ‘to gnaw’, which directly relates … Continued

Rats in London

Throughout all of London, our team always receive calls for the same rodent. Any guesses? Rats. They say you’re never more than 6 feet away from a rat, which couldn’t be more accurate in London. But, unfortunately, the population has soared in recent months, and the issues that circulate with rats continues to grow. Due … Continued